I know that this is preaching to the converted, but speaking from the perspective of someone who is working tirelessly to grow the audience of Samizdat Online, I know how challenging it is to ask your audience for anything so (entirely unprompted and having not even told David I'm going to say this) - I urge you all to share his interviews and musings and reportage with your friends and encourage to them to subscribe - even for free because your individual advocacy of all our efforts is more valuable than you can possibly imagine.
YOU know who might be interested in this sort of work much better than any algorithm on Substack. YOU telling your co-worker or your nephew that this is a writer they should follow has a billion times more influence and carries much more weight than anything else that might bring it to their attention.
So - yay to the 1999 of you who are already subscribers... but please do tell everyone who you think might benefit from this work to check it out. Oh, and then go to samizdatonline.org and subscribe there as well! :)
And they should all become paid subscribers!
I know that this is preaching to the converted, but speaking from the perspective of someone who is working tirelessly to grow the audience of Samizdat Online, I know how challenging it is to ask your audience for anything so (entirely unprompted and having not even told David I'm going to say this) - I urge you all to share his interviews and musings and reportage with your friends and encourage to them to subscribe - even for free because your individual advocacy of all our efforts is more valuable than you can possibly imagine.
YOU know who might be interested in this sort of work much better than any algorithm on Substack. YOU telling your co-worker or your nephew that this is a writer they should follow has a billion times more influence and carries much more weight than anything else that might bring it to their attention.
So - yay to the 1999 of you who are already subscribers... but please do tell everyone who you think might benefit from this work to check it out. Oh, and then go to samizdatonline.org and subscribe there as well! :)