Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks; but I thank you. —Hamlet, Act II, Scene II
My friends, I recently reached 300 paid supporters and before I could express my gratitude, I surpassed 3,000 subscribers. I am deeply grateful for your time and thank you for reading and listening to my thoughts and analyses.
I would not have the platform that I do without my subscribers and I would not be able to pursue this work without my paid supporters.
If you subscribe but are not yet a paid supporter then please consider signing up. You will have full access to exclusive content and archives, you can join our conversations, and you will make possible deeper dives, bigger stories, and better interviews.
I promise to keep improving and bringing you content that surprises, educates, and amuses. Again, thanks for joining the team. The Radicalist would not exist without you.
Keep doing your thing man, I don’t care if I like it or not, your viewpoints are always good to hear.
Keep up the great work!